Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi - born Andrea Almasi - is a Model in the US. The model has been Briefcase Model No.19 on the debut episode of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal that aired late December, 2005. AJ was a shy boy in Hendersonville Tennessee and wore braces, glasses, and many other things. It was a complete surprise that she would ever be in a position to do what she's doing and yet enjoys it. Friends and family members told her that she had a pretty persona, and that she was able to do anything as long as they believed in. Almasi was soon transforming into a stunning, glamorous model as she made the transition from New York to Los Angeles to begin a career as a model and acting. Aj Almasi's real title is Andrea Almasi. In December 2005, she was picked to be one of the 26 Briefcase Models who would appear on the upcoming NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal. Deal or No Deal (2006), Bikini Dreams (2003) as well as The Late Late Show (with Craig Ferguson) are among her credits as an actress. She stood with Briefcase AJ is focusing her efforts to advance her career in the fashion and film industries in L.A.

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